Daniel Nathanson, LCSW-C

Practicing Since: 2020

Daniel’s therapeutic specialty and strength is as a child and family therapist, providing services in both English and Spanish. He prides himself in creating a therapy space that is welcoming, comfortable, and inviting. His clients have a space where they can be free from judgement. In treatment, common therapeutic modalities he enjoys utilizing Trust Based Relational Interventions and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Play Therapy- with a shared goal to help individuals find comfort and power in communication. When he works with children, he loves to build a strong rapport through fun activities and getting-to-know-you games to build trust, praise, and encouragement before diving into treatment goals.

One of the most overlooked factors of everyday life is the quality and care of one’s mental health. We often face questions plaguing our minds, such as “How can I work through this on my own?” “Why can’t I just overcome this?” “I have so many concerns on my own, how can I help my child with their own struggles?” “Will my child be strong enough to face this world?”. When we neglect the inner workings of our minds, so many facets of our life become overwhelming and difficult to understand. It is the same across the life cycle and is just important from infancy and into adulthood. Daniel’s goal in working with clients is to help them process, learn about, and accept who they were created to be. He will help each person in his care understand why everything they experience is relevant to their unique story and that they are not alone.

Having received his Bachelors in Social Work in 2020, and his Masters in Social Work with a concentration in Urban Children Youth and Families in 2021, Daniel has been working with children for over three years in providing intensive individualized therapy to children and adult demographics.

As a self-described cultured individual, Daniel has spent most of his life overseas with his family in Brazil and Venezuela. Currently a Baltimore area resident, Daniel is enjoying finding community in his new home. And in his free time, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, bonding over board games, reading, listening to almost any kind of music, and traveling.

Daniel Nathanson is licensed in the state of Maryland (#27870)

Client Thrive Program
Credentials Earned:

Engagement Badge
Awarded: 7/25/2024